Big U.S. Companies Take Climate Change Serious

Looking at this article I’ve provided from The New York Times. You can see that It shows a picture of Elon Musk. It seems Elon is pretty popular in the climate change world. Elon is CEO of Tesla but he also was on President Trump’s economic advisory council. Elon and some other really large company names took it upon themselves to try and combat environmental issues such as global warming. One of the large companies that had something to say against the fact that the president decided to pull out of the Paris agreement, was Facebook. Facebooks Executive Mark Zuckerberg stated it would be making all future servers for Facebook will be powered by one-hundred percent green energy. Many other big-name companies are taking their own approach to climate change.

Here is a list of a few of those companies:

  • Disney
  • GE(General Electric)
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • Uber
  • IBM

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