Public Transportation: Electric Bus?


Transportation section produces a great portion of our c02 emissions. It produces around twenty percent of our average carbon footprint.

Now public transportation is very important to people. A lot of people rely on public transportation to get to work. Imagine the carbon an output. Now think if that bus could do all its routes and be electric. A zero-emission public transport bus. This isn’t just an idea or vaporware it exists. There are a few different companies leading in the electric bus brigade but one of the most successful companies is Protterra.

Check out more about Protterra and their bus here.

Now I also want to add the U.S. Department of Transportation is setting up grants for high-tech low-no busses. The grants amount totals to a whopping $55 million dollars. They already have many implementation ideas.

You can check out more about the grants and plans here.

NYC and Electric Vehicles

According to

Electric vehicles could greatly benefit New York City. The ozone levels in NYC currently do not meet federal standards. But if we replaced a lot of the vehicles with electric vehicles we could combat the cO2 emissions.

I’m not sure if you are aware but if you go to New York City you will come to the conclusion quickly that it’s very loud there. A lot of noise is produced by all the vehicles being driven around the city wither it is a taxi or not. Electric vehicles have almost no noise compared to combustion engines because they aren’t running all those pistons.

The energy that gasoline gets converted into is about 15% from a combustion engine. A lot of energy is lost in a combustion engine in heat. An electric vehicle doesn’t produce as much if any heat. Electric vehicles can more efficiently use the energy stored in their batteries than a combustion engine can from gasoline.

Click here to read an article about some Electric Vehicle benefits

Big U.S. Companies Take Climate Change Serious

Looking at this article I’ve provided from The New York Times. You can see that It shows a picture of Elon Musk. It seems Elon is pretty popular in the climate change world. Elon is CEO of Tesla but he also was on President Trump’s economic advisory council. Elon and some other really large company names took it upon themselves to try and combat environmental issues such as global warming. One of the large companies that had something to say against the fact that the president decided to pull out of the Paris agreement, was Facebook. Facebooks Executive Mark Zuckerberg stated it would be making all future servers for Facebook will be powered by one-hundred percent green energy. Many other big-name companies are taking their own approach to climate change.

Here is a list of a few of those companies:

  • Disney
  • GE(General Electric)
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • Uber
  • IBM

Electric Vehicle Revolution


Above is Elon Musk. Elon is the head CEO of Tesla. Tesla is a company focusing on a newer greener future. Their most important product they produce is their electric cars. Electric cars being so technologically advanced the newest struggle Elon has been trying to combat is electric cars being so expensive. Electric cars are expensive they seemed to be only exclusive to people who could afford them. Recently Elon released a new model called the Model 3. The base model 3 is said to cost a minimum of around $30,000. Tesla has started to mass produce model 3’s which would make Tesla one of largest car manufacturer for electric cars. More electric cars, less co2 emissions, greener future. Yes, please! If you would like to learn more about the Tesla model 3 please click here and check it out.

EV’s (Electric Vehicles)

Nissan_Leaf_003.JPGElectric vehicles are a plausible solution towards a greener future environment. Around 2010 Nissan saw the possible future and released the Nissan Leaf a car that runs on electricity.  Nissan’s future hope was to inspire people to seek out these new emission-free cars. Little did they expect their sales over the years of the leaf were much higher than anticipated. The leaf gets around 103 miles on a charge depending on conditions. But just think driving around in a vehicle that uses no gas or diesel in 2010. It almost seemed impossible but Nissan made it happen. If you want to check out more about the Nissan Leaf you can go to their website here.

Before The Flood

Welcome to my blog about an abundance of things regarding climate change, co2 emissions, and electric cars and how they can help move our future to a greener and safer environment.

Recognize this hunk?


Yes, I’m sure we all know who Leonard DiCaprio is right? Famous actor from Hollywood. He also takes part in a documentary called “Before the Flood”. The documentary released in 2016 goes into detail about how the change in our climate takes a toll on the environment. It talks about what we could do to prevent or slow down future climate change. If you care about the environment you should check out the movie. If you didn’t care too much about green energy before you definitely will after.